Environment Team
Education should teach children to respect the environment (Article 29)
Working together, a team of pupil, staff and governor representatives help to improve the school’s global footprint. We aim to raise the school’s awareness on environmental issues, and look for things the school can do to become more environmentally friendly. Through our work, we also aim to involve the local community and help to raise awareness on topical issues for the area. At least once every half term, the team meet to discuss any issues and suggest next steps for the school. As a member of the GreenSchool’s project, we gained our Bronze award certificate in the Summer term 2014 - and are currently working towards our Silver award certificate.
Each class in the school votes for someone from their class to represent them on the team for a year. During the meetings, the year 6 members are supported in leading topics of discussion and making decisions about what needs to be done. Part of our action plan last year involved the purchase of a bird feeder, in order to attract smaller birds to our grounds. The new team is set up each new academic year.