GSO Test


'You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.'

- Article 13, UNCRC.

Curriculum Intent (Vision)

At Manor Field, we believe that Digital Learning is vital for children to be able to access the modern world safely. Children need to be equipped with a wide range of skills, to enable them to be successful using technology that may not even be invented yet.  It is essential that children are able to monitor their own digital wellbeing to ensure that they create positive digital habits that are right for them as individuals. They must also be trained in on-line safety, to ensure they make responsible decisions to keep themselves and others safe online.

Implementation of the curriculum

Children learn best through purposeful and real life contexts; therefore, computing is taught weekly, with meaningful links to the current project. Across each year, a balance of computer literacy and computer science is taught, to ensure children are equipped with a range of skills. Within these units, communication, digital wellbeing and e-safety are also covered. Our curriculum recognises that, as well as gaining practical skills, children need to learn how to be responsible and principled digital users. Children are taught the vocabulary needed to discuss and explain their computational thinking, and technical language is consistently modelled by teaching staff.

“Digital technology is vital because we can use it to learn what is happening in the world, as soon as it happens.”

Computing lessons are structured so that children have time to experiment with new technologies, exploring similarities and differences between applications. Children are encouraged to be resilient and apply their previous knowledge to solve problems. As a school, we are aware that there are some pupils whose lack of technological experiences at home can cause them to be digitally vulnerable, particularly in our society where there is much emphasis on technology for social reasons, education and in general day-to-day efficiency. These pupils are identified through pupil and parent questionnaires, and are then able to be better supported.

Impact of our curriculum

As computing technology is constantly changing and evolving, we aim for learners to:

  • Know the value of technology in an ever changing world;
  • Be digitally literate and able to select and use technology successfully;
  • Be confident to use unfamiliar technologies, identifying the links between these.

“I like programming because we have to solve problems and make sure our codes are correct.” 

 Computing Curriculum Overview