Curriculum Intent (Vision)
The school follows the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. At Manor Field Junior school, children are taught about a wide range of religions, learning to respect and ask questions about different religions, traditions and cultures around the world. We make R.E relevant by studying and celebrating real events and providing children with hands-on, relevant experiences. learning about various aspects of different cultures, and comparing them with those within our communities.
Implementation of the curriculum
We believe children learn best from exciting and real experiences to encourage curiosity and facilitate learning. We aim to enhance our curriculum by relating our R.E. to our topic work where possible. We encourage and challenge our children to be resilient and curious learners, to think ‘outside the box’ and explore their skills, beliefs and ideas; they are encouraged to ask questions at all times, whilst experiencing exciting practical lessons.
Manor Field learners are taught to think about their school attributes and values, in order to understand how people of different backgrounds or beliefs may share similar values, whilst differing in other values. As a Rights Respecting school, empathy, respect and tolerance are key qualities of our children. We believe that our rich and varied R.E. syllabus reflects this. Curiosity is an important Manor Field attribute; children are encouraged to ask their own questions in order to develop critical thinking, self-belief and self-confidence. Children have the opportunity to share their religious education in a variety of ways: art, writing and role-play, in order to fully immerse themselves in understanding the topic.
Impact of our curriculum
The desired impact of adopting Living Difference IV at MFJS is to introduce children to what a religious way of looking at, and existing in, the world may offer in leading one’s life, individually or collectively; the overarching ambition is to support children in coming to discernment about what has been studied, and especially what this may mean for their own life.
At MFJS, the outlined programme of study seeks to help our children discern their own responses to wide ranging and challenging concepts from a variety of traditions while thriving in a world that is diverse, multi-faceted and can never mean simply one thing at all times.