All organisations concerned with children should work towards what is best for each child. Article 3, UNCRC
At Manor Field Junior School, we recognise our duty to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children. The school's policies apply to all adults working and volunteering in the school and also to the school's governing body. Our process for staff recruitment and selection, including for volunteers, ensures that all adults have been appropriately checked for their suitability, using the Safer Recruitment procedures.
We recognise our responsibilities to:
- Raise awareness of safeguarding issues and equip children with the skills needed to keep them safe;
- Develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, or abuse;
- Support pupils who have been abused, in accordance with the agreed child-centered plan, and working in close partnership with other professionals;
- Establish a safe and nurturing environment, free from discrimination or bullying, where children can learn and develop happily.
We recognise that because of their day-to-day contact with the children, our school staff are ideally placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. Staff in school will therefore:
- Report any inappropriate activities/behaviours to designated staff;
- Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to;
- Ensure that children know that they can approach any adult in school if they are worried, and ensure that children receive a consistent, supportive response;
- Provide, within the general curriculum, opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to recognise, and stay safe from, abuse;
- Signpost children and their families to other areas of support, e.g. Childline.
School Safeguarding Team
DSL: Lawrence Britt (Headteacher)
Deputies: Sat Jordan (Deputy Headteacher), Julie Mancey (Inclusion Lead/SENCO) and Sarah Adam (Lower School Phase Leader)
Keeping Children Safe in Education
All staff and adults working in the school, including the school's governing body, are aware of their duties under Keeping Children Safe in Education, Sept 2024
Children who have been neglected or abused should receive special help to restore their self-respect. Article 39, UNCRC
Safeguarding Curriculum
During the four years the children are with us, they will follow a planned safeguarding curriculum to ensure that they have a clear understanding of how to keep themselves and others around them safe.
Click here to view our Safeguarding Curriculum Overview.
Empowering Families
Please follow this link to the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website which includes numerous resources to support parents and carers: